Monday, April 1, 2013

Check Marks

No words can describe that feeling when you've been able to accomplish something that seemed impossible. I've found myself behind more than my fair share of 8 balls in my life. Most of them have been self inflicted and very few of them have been life altering. But the experience of having something to do and then doing it provides such pride.

Last week I came to the realization that Cass will be graduating in less than two months. I haven't had my mental melt down over that yet, but the way I decided to avoid it was to get busy. I'm a list maker, because I do so much better seeing things in black and white. Once I have the full range of what's at hand on paper (or in this case my iPad), I can formulate my plan of attack.

And attack I did. In the electronic world I live in, I don't get to have check marks anymore. But I can delete items off the list. And when my list diminishes, I know I've made progress. It's so strange how the simple task of reducing a To Do list can provide such pleasure.

There is still a HUGE amount of work left to do. But I will go to bed tonight knowing I still have it in me to take care of business. I have a feeling I'll be dreaming about lists and seeing BIG check marks!

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