Sunday, January 13, 2013


Being a day spa owner, massage therapist, and yoga instructor I am always encouraging people to relax. Many times I don't practice what I preach. I know the value of taking care of myself, but fall victim to the same overwhelming responsibilities as my clients. My biggest challenge is saying "no".

I've been a mother hen my entire life. I don't know what dictates that, but if I see someone in need, I'm going to help them. I know it stems from my mom. She was always involved with her church and doing for others. I can remember helping at the nursing home when I was 11 or 12. Helping others is something you learn at a young age. I've tried to teach this same thing to my girls.

In doing for others, I often run my own well dry. The analogy I use is that we are all buckets of water. We give that water out to others along the way. And when we run out, we are no good to others, let alone ourselves. So finding ways to replenish that water is critical.

I have to find a better way to rejuvenate. I gave up teaching yoga this year, and I really miss it. Giving massage is a joy, but it does its part in running my physical well dry. I do receive massage, but most of the time it is focused on repairing the physical damage I'm doing to my body vs replenishing my spirit.

Sleep is a great passion of mine. When I can, I sleep in. But restful sleep is elusive these days. I tell all my clients about meditation. It really is so restorative. I must get back into the habit of it.

As this next week starts, I hope each of you will find your own avenues of rejuvenation. It doesn't matter what tool(s) you use to get there, just as long as you take the time out to pursue them. Namaste

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