Monday, January 28, 2013


I have devoted my adult life to my family. I have not made a considerable amount of friends outside of them along the way. I've had friends associated with work, but for the most part haven't done much with them other than lunch, break room chats, or the occasional group dinner.

I can name about 10 people that have stuck with me through the years. We don't get to talk frequently, but social networks have reduced the miles considerably. I can't imagine how the generations before email, chat, and texting maintained contact. Sure there were hand written letters and the phone. But both were so inconvenient from a time and cost perspective.

In today's mobile world, people don't stay in one place for too long. It makes it difficult to form lasting relationships. I also think parents are so involved with their children's lives that they don't have any time for lives of their own. Sure we make small talk with the other parents sitting in the bleachers, but do we really know much outside of the fact that our children share the same sporting interests?!

Cassidi is all the time telling me that I have no life. That when she's gone I'm going to be very lonely. Unfortunately, I think she is correct. But that will just be in the beginning. I think I will be keeping the roads hot rekindling the fires of friendship left behind in my various moves. And there are more than a few people here where I currently live that I can get to know beyond the basketball court or my place of business.

I process best when I am one on one with someone. I'm not good at big parties unless I'm the one hosting them. If I'm at a party I usually sequester each person that I know for private discussions. I would make a lousy politician for more reason than one, but rubbing shoulders and networking for long periods of time makes me nauseous.

For me, the few friends I can count mean the world to me. While my small list might pale in comparison to some people's, I am oh so grateful for each and everyone. I consider them my family. Some are family by blood and some are family by choice. There is no greater gift than to be called family by someone that you know has no blood ties. That is when you know you have truly found a friend.

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