Monday, January 7, 2013


It's easy to get behind the eight ball in any given situation. At times, it seems like the universe has it out for you. Finding the strength to keep treading water when the storm is pounding you with wave after wave, can prove to be more than overwhelming. But a persons true character is never spoken more loudly than when they succeed despite the odds being stacked against them.

I've seen numerous examples of this in my life. Some have been my own personal experience, while others have been those around me. It's always interesting to see what each persons definition of rock bottom is. Because it seems once they hit it, they come out of the corner swinging.

There have been a few unfortunate times when the individual doesn't bounce back. It always makes me stop to wonder if I could have helped in any way. Could I have given them a word or two of encouragement? Could I have intervened and made a difference? I always feel a sense of responsibility just by knowing them and their struggles, even if I am not an active part of their life.

My mom had to be my biggest cheerleader ever. That's just what mom's do. She taught me to always encourage my girls even when I know they don't want it. Just like my mom, I'm guilty of over doing it at times. But then again, aren't we all a little biased when it comes to our kids? If you're being a good parent, the answer should be a resounding yes in my opinion.

We all need a cheerleader, someone in our corner. Someone that will see us at our worst and still believe we are capable of better. Someone that won't let us self destruct in the face of adversity. If you're someone that needs encouragement, seek out your cheerleader and rebuild your confidence. And if you're in a good place mentally, be the cheerleader that someone needs. That's the way the world is supposed to work.

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