Friday, January 4, 2013


Families come in all shapes and sizes these days. Some work really well together and some are as dysfunctional as they come. Some look like they would be dysfunctional from the outside, but the inner workings prove otherwise. Traditionally, we think of a family as a mom and dad with a son and daughter, a house with a picket fence, two cars, a dog, and a cat. In today’s age, nothing could be further from the truth.

A lot of people get really bent out of shape about what makes up a family today. Relationships know no boundaries for the most part. Interracial, homosexual, inter-faith, inter-country, single parents are just a few. When I see a cute baby or toddler with someone now, I’m hesitant to inquire too much. I have little to no prejudice, but I don’t want to bring attention to the family in case others around us might be. And sometimes I have to admit, I am a little shocked by what I see.

When we lived in Charlotte, we saw a much broader span of variety in just about everything. Living in a rural town in Virginia, the span is pretty daggone narrow. We’ve lived here for 6 and a half years now. Not seeing the variety that I once did has left me a bit jaded. I dislike that aspect of our move to a small town.

Relationships are such a difficult thing to begin with that I can only imagine the challenges a family that doesn’t fit the traditional mold faces. It can’t be a lot of fun at times. But when they survive and prosper, it gives me hope in the human race. I do a little happy dance inside when I see them “making it” in this world.

But when I think of family, I don’t think about what it looks like on the outside. My first thought is of the connections between its members. In my own small little family, I’ve tried to weave a thread of unbreakable fiber. I’m constantly stressing to my girls that they are all they have when Tony and I are gone. So far, they have listened. It does my heart so much good to see the bond they share.

It’s a lot like my oldest sister and my relationship. She and I have the exact same age difference that Jennifer and Cassidi do. We have 3 siblings in between, but the mother/sister thing is ever present. I never have to guess if Debbie will have my back. I KNOW she does, even if I’m being a spoiled rotten brat! For one, she knows she helped make me that way. But that unbreakable fiber is woven between us, too. I love knowing that my daughters will share the bond my sister and I do for their entire life. It gives me confidence knowing they’ll be ok when I’m gone.

All I can hope is that I’ve raised them in a loving way, and they’ll take that with them in their own journey of family. Who knows what non-traditional form their families will take. I could care less. I just want it to be a family that respects all its members and love becomes their unbreakable fiber, too.

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