Thursday, January 10, 2013


I have always been a person that is forever in search of. The "of what" is always changing. I've never been one to drink from the water fountain, but more from the fire hose. I don't know what creates that in a person. If I did, there are plenty of times I would have turned it off.

There are some people in the world that can be born in a place and stay there forever in perfect contentment. Their life follows a routine day in and day out with very little variance. And they are happy and fulfilled. I wish I could be more like them.

I have varying degrees of contentment in my life. But the longevity of that state is what elludes me the most. I like being busy, learning new things, and seeing different places. I like to break the mold to see what's inside even if it isn't broken. This makes for a very interesting life, but sometimes it doesn't go quite as planned.

The other drawback is that I can unintentionally offend people along the way. If it's their thing I'm breaking (aka questioning), they don't always appreciate that. I want to try something a different way just to see if it will work and maybe improve it some along the way. That doesn't sit well with some folks, I've found.

I view most everything in life as a puzzle. I try to determine what all the pieces are and start putting it together. I don't wait on someone to tell me to do it or to get approval to do it. I just do it. And it doesn't usually take me very long to do all my deductive reasoning and get going. That also gets on a few people's nerves.

So while contentment is something I hope to achieve for long periods of time one of these days, it's something I usually disrupt on a regular basis for others. If you've been one of those people, I'm sorry. I usually don't do it on purpose and even more importantly don't do it with malice. 

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