Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Quality Time

Today was Mom-Daughter day with Cass. After she kept me up until 2 last night, or more accurately this morning, I got a late start to the day. We lazed around until it was time to go to the oral surgeon appointment for her wisdom teeth. My brainiac is too smart and it's coming out in her teeth! They have to be removed at the end of July. I guess I'll get yet another opportunity to play nurse maid.

After the appointment, we did a little beach shopping and got pedicures. She only told me a couple of times I was getting on her nerves. It mostly had to do with changing the music station from the thumping rap crap she listens to sometimes. But for the most part, it was a pleasant enough day.

We ended the evening with yet another movie marathon. One of my favorite actors is Tom Hanks. I think I've passed my love of him onto her. She loves Forest Gump. Tonight was Castaway. It's just another reminder of how alike we are.

When I think of our similarities, it gives me comfort in knowing that even though she'll soon be off on her own adventures, she'll really never be far from me. It's the same with Jen. While the two of us have our differences, something will happen, and I'm reminded of our unending connection.

Quality time isn't just spent in the present, but also in our memories. I love days like this where I add to that memory bank. I plan to take out deposits for years to come.

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