Saturday, June 15, 2013


As I read the daily news clips, demented is a word that comes to mind all too often. The good news is that I have not grown so jaded that things don't still surprise me. Or maybe the better explanation is that it still sickens me.

Today I read a story about a 17 year old girl that created a website and Facebook page to raise money for a little boy's battle with cancer. That sounds great, huh. How nice of her to support the little boy by telling his story and raising awareness. The catch is that she stole the boy's image off a blog his Mom keeps online, and he's alive and well. She didn't even know him.

Of course she did it for the financial gain, as she was offering t-shirts and asking for donations for his medical costs. She claims she didn't recieve any money. She is apologizing profusely for her cowardly and callous acts. Meanwhile, other than being forced to delete the sites, she is facing no legal action. In order for her to face criminal charges, the Mom will have to sue her civilly.

These situations make me stop and ask so many questions. How could she be so insensitive to the countless people that have truly been sick with cancer and to their surviving loved ones? How did she stumble upon this child's picture and think it would be okay to use it? What gave her the idea to prey upon people's heart strings with such a deceitful plan?

I don't understand these people. I don't know how they can sleep at night knowing the things they are doing are so morally wrong. They are the ones that suck the life out of our society. We need to get back to public flogging for this stuff. Maybe then they'd realize the world does not revolve around them. And there is no better way to live than to earn your keep through a hard day's labor.


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