Thursday, June 6, 2013


That's a big word for the simple act of worrying. I've always pretty much been a worry wart. I over think things and play things out in my mind a bazillion times. Many times when an event actually gets here, it's almost like a déjà vu moment because I've thought about it so much. Or the other thing that I do is include it in my dreams. That always stinks because I sleep lousy those nights.

I have to remember that this word carries a positive energy, too. Looking forward to things is joyful. There is always an element of surprise in finding out if things go smoothly or rocky. And in trying to remain positive, I do my best to focus on the happy endings.

But the Mom in me tends to gravitate to the worst case scenarios in order to be prepared. Ellen Degeneres said her Mom always told her if you expect the worst, you'll most always be pleasantly surprised with the real outcome over the one you imagined. I don't always think like that, but I do always think of that concept when I'm about to embark on unknown territory.

As our beach trip nears, I'd be lying if I said my stomach wasn't churning a few times per minute. I've been hearing horror stories from other parents that were down there this week for senior week. I've resorted to praying and trying to live in denial. The good news is is that I'm packed. That's a good thing to focus!!

My mind is flashing back to our after prom night here. I didn't get a whole lot of sleep that night. And I spent more than a few cycles worrying. So of course I'm thinking I'm in for 7 days and nights of that same torture. I sure hope there is a pleasant surprise awaiting me at the end of that tunnel!!!

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