Sunday, May 19, 2013


Now that all of the festivities have died down, it's settling in that summer break is here. And really, it's here for good for me! I will no longer have "school" to prepare for. Sure, we'll drop her off for college, but I won't be there to participate in the first day of college photo, the daily wake up routine, or the nightly "have you done your homework" battle. WOW!!!

I have to admit at times when I think of the whole empty nest thing, I get a little sad. But then it's thoughts like these that cheer me up. As parents we have expectations of ourselves. I held myself to a fairly high standard these last few years and have lived up to most of them. But now I get to be.... ME! Not Cassidi's Mom or Jennifer's Mom, but me, Machelle McCann. That's pretty daggone exciting!

I have a long list of things to get started on. But I do still have to finish the projects that fell off the priority list. That shouldn't take too long. We do also have to finish out tennis. But right now, I don't have to set my alarm for ANYTHING tomorrow. That's a pretty good feeling. I hope to rest and recover the next few days. Recharge my energizer bunny. Then I'll be off to the races again.

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