Friday, May 31, 2013


Each of the last four days I have gotten out in nature. Living in a national park has its rewards. The colors of leaves have settled into their deep shade of green and reflect the sun light, brightening everything. It has finally warmed up and walking and doing yoga outside is possible. I LOVE it.

It's amazing how the weather affects my mood. But give me a sun shiny day, and I'm on cloud 9. We've had a few in a row now, so I'm good to go. Summer is a good thing!

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Focus, direction, path, goal. All of these words are interchangeable to me. And in my mind, the easiest way to achieve or accomplish them is through positivity. But being human, I fall off that wagon occasionally. Being a busy bee, I tend to over do it more often than not. And in doing that, negativity creeps in.

Staying positive is hard work. There are so many sad and bad things that happen in the world today. The news is full of such events. Each of us have our own crosses to bear when it comes to the challenges we face in life. But the way I see it, we can be negative and let them tear us down, or we can use them as opportunities to grow by finding the silver lining in every cloud.

I often tell my girls that it's easy to be a self fulfilling prophecy of doom and gloom. The heavy lifting comes when we are asked to stay positive in the face of adversity. And let's face it, life is chock full of adversity. Our strength is tested on a regular basis. I feel our true purpose in life is to draw on that strength and stay the course.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


The old saying of "you need to travel a mile in someone else's shoes before you can fully understand their life" could not be more true than in the case of motherhood. That saying resonates more and more loudly the older I become as a mother. And as the number of years of my own mother's absence increases, I come to appreciate the many acts of motherly love she committed in her short 65 years with us.

Mothering is a constant act. It is not a coat you don in the winter and store for the summer. From the moment you find out you are pregnant until you earn your angel wings, you are a mother. Sleepless nights of caring for infants to shewing away the monsters in the closet to mending puppy love broken hearts to sleepless nights of worry as they get their drivers license to anxious jitters as they test their wings flying from the nest - these are the things that occupy a mother's heart.

My mother had five children. I only have two. When I think of all the love and effort I put into my two and compare it to what she had to endure, it staggers me. As a child that is the recipient of all of that love, we never stop to consider the feelings of the giver. We take it for granted and expect even more never contemplating the sacrifices made on our behalf.

To many, I am known as Jennifer or Cassidi's Mom. My existence as an individual fell by the wayside along the way. To some, that might be demeaning. But to a mother, it is a title held with great pride. There is no greater fan for her child than a mother. And my mother was no exception. She bragged on all of us until her friends were sick of hearing our names.

As my youngest is about to leave the nest, I'm reminded yet again of the inconsideration I showed my Mom. For one, my daughter is like me in every way possible. The things she says and does are the exact same things I did to my Mom. As I feel the sting of those words and actions, it makes me wish Mom was here so I could apologize.

The paths we travel in life have a way of coming full circle. The other saying of "you reap what you sow" rings loudly in my ears. I wish I had been more graceful in my youth. Not just so I could have a clear conscience, but more importantly, so my mother could have known all the work and love and sacrifices she made were truly appreciated.

I did get to say a few apologies along the way and she always shrugged them off. True to form, she told me the successes I had in life were all the appreciation she ever wanted or needed. Ever selfless to the very end.

So as I do my best to be Mom, I know she's with me every step of the way. She led me by example and it's her acts I try to recreate for my own daughters. At this point, that is the only way I know how to celebrate her life properly. She had many definitions of herself in life, but mother was the only one she truly embraced.

I am honored to be the daughter of Reba Ann Eagle Given. She was one of the best mothers I know. I hope she's enjoying her birthday in Heaven with all of the angels. And I hope she's proud of the way I'm trying to wear her shoes.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


One of the first things I need to get back to for me is exercise. I did a little bit of that this morning. I went for a walk that was probably about 2 miles. It included a fairly big hill and as my heart pounded,  it reminded me that I need to make fitness a priority.

Most of the time when we're outside here, we see critters. I didn't see any today, though. I did walk by the field Lady is buried in. I didn't see any deer over by her or butterflies flying. But the field is full of tall grasses and flowers. I know she's enjoying her rest and is in a happy place.

The circle included a stop at our neighbors on the hill. They lost their daughter nearly two years ago. Jennifer had just graduated high school and was tragically killed in a car accident. They have a beautiful fire pit that whenever I'm over that way, I take a moment to reflect and revisit her spirit. She was a special girl. Always smiling and cheerful. They hardly ever come up any more, and we miss them.

When I got back, I did yoga on the front porch. I've so missed my yoga after taking off teaching the last year. I sure hope God has a plan to put it back in my path. It's so good for my soul, and of course, my body. But until then, I have to get back to a regular private practice.

Today was a great day for my mind, body, and spirit. I'm looking forward to more to come.

Monday, May 27, 2013


What is it about a campfire fire that produces trancelike states? Tonight we had a campfire in the cool mountain air. It was wonderful. As we sat by the burning embers, we discussed the state of the world, the advancements of man, and the clearing skies exposing the beautiful stars overhead. All the while our eyes were locked in an unbreakable gaze at the dancing flames.

Thoughout our 28+ years together, we've enjoyed many campfires. Sometimes we talk, sometimes we're in our own world of self conversation. But a campfire has a way of pulling you closer to those around you. It creates a sense of community. People have huddled around a warm glow for centuries.

As a kid, we camped a great deal. I have a lot of fond memories of stories told, marshmallows toasted, and fighting over the fire stick. I can't tell you how many times I was told I'd pee the bed for playing in the fire. I still drive Tony crazy constantly managing the fire.

And the smells. There is nothing like the smell of campfire on your clothes. Or the smell of nature all around you while sitting in the great outdoors transfixed on the circle of fire. If we could bottle those smells up and sell them, we'd be rich for sure.

Tonight we saw the first lightning bug of the season. The first of many, I hope. And I know the campfire we shared will not be the last. Living in the woods in our little cabin on the hill comes with many benefits. But being able to have a campfire and drawn into a hypnotic state has to top the list.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


I spent the day recovering. I'm not as young as I once was. I took the day to jump off the roller coaster ride and rest. It was a beautiful day on the mountain. I hated to waste such a nice day, but I knew I didn't have the energy to do much else. Hopefully, tomorrow I can enjoy the day off with the family. Laziness is not something that's usually in my vocabulary, but the older I get, the more I have a feeling it's going to creep in.

Saturday, May 25, 2013


I know I'm a day late for the traditional acronym, but it's been a busy week after. I was really hoping this was going to be the let me down easy week. Two 1.5 hour away tennis matches and 20 hours of massage in 3 days the week after the tread mill marathon I've been running the last few weeks was not really what I was hoping for.

But tomorrow is Sunday. And more importantly, it is the start of the French Open. The French Open has been ruled by my main man, Rafael Nadal, for the last seven of eight years. I'm expecting him to make me VERY happy two weeks from this Sunday by hoisting his 8th winners trophy. Anything less, and I'm gonna be an ugly tennis fan.

It's the important things in life I'm focused on :)

Friday, May 24, 2013


It's May 24th and 48 degrees. Unseasonably cool. We've had a strange set of seasons for the past couples of years. I'm not sure what to think of it all. It is perfect hot tubbing weather. Speaking of, it's time to soak!

Thursday, May 23, 2013


On the way home tonight the skies grew ever darker. The air felt really good and warm with the windows down. But the further I drove, the rain started. It ranged from heavy to light to sun filled. I looked for a rainbow, but none were to be found. When I got home, there was a bit of thunder and lightning. I rarely experience a storm that I don't think of our good friend, Reggie.

Tony met him in college. He was a ball of energy all of the time. Like Tony, he was rarely without a smile. He was a blast to be around.

He died in September of 1990 close to Tony's birthday. He was stuck and killed by lightning on the coast. He was the first close friend of ours to die. He was only 24. It was unfathomable.

Like I said, I think of him during storms, but so many other times in life as well. We always wonder what his life would have been like today. What his children would look like. Where he'd live.

He will forever live in our hearts and in the distant thunder.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


With the end of tennis, summer is officially here. On the way home it hit me. I didn't cry, surprisingly. I think it's from all the prep work I've done to prepare for this day. I've really been thinking of it for the last two years.

I have 3 months of enjoyment ahead of me. I'm not going to think of the end of that time. I'm going to focus on the present. I'm going to do my best to slow the clock and NOT live by a calendar like we have this past year.

Summer means sun, sleeping in late, and care freeness. That will be my focus. Finding the joy in the little things. Blowing bubbles, taking walks, and watching movies will occupy my time. Summer, the time of being a couch potato!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Glory Days

Cass' glory days are coming to an abrupt halt. I have milked every last second out of them for her, but at the end of this week, it's over. True to her grumpy self, she doesn't seem to care much. I think at times I've had more at stake emotionally than she does.

That's the thing with Moms. No, we didn't pop out of the womb at 46. We were once young girls. We made mistakes. We stumbled. We skinned our knees. We learned that hindsight is always 20-20. And like our own Mothers, we try to share this knowledge with our children.

But there is no more powerful lesson than the school of hard knocks. People can tell us about the fast approaching brick wall, but we must slam head on into it to realize it truly was there. There are very few people with the grace it takes to traverse the minefield of growing up. Some people do it with ease. Others not so much.

In actuality, we are forever traversing that minefield. Sometimes I feel like the blind leading the blind in raising my children. What was I thinking to believe I had what it takes?! Goodness knows God knew exactly what he was doing in making me a mother so young. If I had grown into the knowledge I have now, I doubt I would have ventured into motherhood.

But I did. And I am grateful for it. Even when my snot nosed brats make me want to pull my hair out. They too will remember these lessons when it's their turn. They will get to be the Mom that is always right. The Mom that always knows what's going on. The Mom with eyes in the backs of their heads. Mom.

Glory days are a tote full of memorabilia and trophies for some. For others it is the indelible ink of experiences written on their souls. Whatever it is for you, I hope you make the most memories you can along your journey called life. And may they give you smiles and laughs for years to come. And most of all, I hope you will share their meaning when it's your turn to be Mom.

Monday, May 20, 2013


Tennis season has tested my patience over and over. Today we had yet another match cancelled and rescheduled. Usually it impacts my clients, but this time it's my massage that's getting impacted. That's a real bummer considering how much my body needs the table time. But yet again, Mom duties trump my needs. She had better win this match tomorrow and make it worth it!

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Now that all of the festivities have died down, it's settling in that summer break is here. And really, it's here for good for me! I will no longer have "school" to prepare for. Sure, we'll drop her off for college, but I won't be there to participate in the first day of college photo, the daily wake up routine, or the nightly "have you done your homework" battle. WOW!!!

I have to admit at times when I think of the whole empty nest thing, I get a little sad. But then it's thoughts like these that cheer me up. As parents we have expectations of ourselves. I held myself to a fairly high standard these last few years and have lived up to most of them. But now I get to be.... ME! Not Cassidi's Mom or Jennifer's Mom, but me, Machelle McCann. That's pretty daggone exciting!

I have a long list of things to get started on. But I do still have to finish the projects that fell off the priority list. That shouldn't take too long. We do also have to finish out tennis. But right now, I don't have to set my alarm for ANYTHING tomorrow. That's a pretty good feeling. I hope to rest and recover the next few days. Recharge my energizer bunny. Then I'll be off to the races again.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


There is nothing like an event such as a high school graduation to make you realize how proud you are of your child. It is one brief moment in time that represents the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. It's not just about their achievements and successes, but also about the mistakes made and the lessons learned from them along the way.

As we sat in that hot and stuffy gym watching the activities of the ceremony, I reflected on the numerous games we attended sitting in those same seats. I considered the span of emotions throughout the years of watching her play. Basketball was a great tool in guiding her and keeping her on the path of the straight and narrow.

Today I was extremely composed. I've tried to figure out why, considering I cry on Hallmark commercials. I think I was just well prepared for all the events and the periodic cries I've been having now and again helped. But the other reason is that I feel so confident in the way she's grown and the future that lies before her.

So, while today we're full of pride from this amazing event, we know it isn't her first accomplishment and definitely won't be her last. The story of her life is in its infancy and we know the chapters to come hold more intrigue. We anxiously await the next installment of "The world according to Cass".

Congratulations Cassidi Nicole McCann on a successful graduation from high school. Being valedictorian was icing on the cake in the grand scheme of things. The knowledge and maturity you've gained are the true measures of your success. Don't take your numerous skills in life for granted. Hone them and make yourself proud, as you've already made our cup run with over. We love you!!

Friday, May 17, 2013


Graduation is tomorrow. I've dotted every i and crossed ever t. Almost to the point of disbelief. I'm actually calm. They say to watch out for the calm before the storm. I guess we'll find out if there's truth to that in less than 12 hours.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Senior year is fast approaching completion. All that is left is graduation on Saturday. Oh, and the regional tennis match on Monday that if they win will lead to another one, date unknown so far. But it has been an adventurous year and I've done my best to enjoy it. I sure hope Cassidi has. This is the year in review.

First day of school, easing into classes, found out you are tied for first, decided to keep your classes as they were even though you might lose that spot, open gyms, hanging out with friends, football games, SAT take two, college applications, (here's where things get cranked up!) basketball, Thanksgiving, more basketball, find out you got into GMU, end of the first semester, Christmas, even more basketball, easing into new classes that hold even more difficulty than last semester, found out you're valedictorian, Grandma passed away, you turned 18, finished up basketball, surprised me with playing tennis, more hanging out with friends, you found out you got into UVA and changed your mind on GMU, surprised me further with getting to play and actually winning matches, prom, speech writing, more tennis, awards banquets, TV interview, baccalaureate, more tennis, last day of school, graduation, and lastly, the end of tennis.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Okay, I'm breaking the rules, or the way I like to look at it as "exercising my right" to expand the meaning of my writing project. So tonight is about acronyms. MYOB = Mind Your Own Business for those of you that don't have a texting teenager in your house.

I'll be the first to tell you I don't like Angelina Jolie for some of her actions. But I realize she's a TV person and means nothing to me in my day to day life. She's made headlines for good things and bad things over the years. But the recent news has me a little riled.

If you've missed it, she decided to have a double mastectomy to prevent getting breast cancer. She has the gene and was told she was 87% likely to contract it. After having lost her own Mother to the disease, she chose to avoid the entire possibility down the road.  Seems reasonable to me, but more importantly I really don't think it's any of my business to weigh in on her decision.

But for some reason, the media has decided it's their business. They want to talk about her being hexed medically. That the doctors giving her this percentage will somehow convince her that she'll get cancer and die. They talk about this procedure being too risky and far too radical of an approach to avoid something that is not a certainty.

There was actually a beauty pageant participant that did this exact same thing recently. She had numerous family members that had died from breast cancer. She was much younger than Angelina, and had not had children yet. The media lambasted her, too.

My point regarding these stories is this. It is not our life. It does not involve the lives of those we love. The media does not need to be weighing in on these situations trying to convince us that these people are doing something wrong. If anything, we need to be lining up in support of these women and their loved ones. I know I am!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


When Cass was little, she seemed to giggle all the time. As she's aged, the giggling has become less and less. Thus, when I hear it, I cherish it all the more.

Tonight we filled water balloons for the annual senior water balloon fight. We both ended up quite wet before it was over. We laughed at the busted balloons, those that looked more like condoms, and those that filled in strange ways. They were balloons that I had bought about four years ago for a reunion we had and we reminisced about that day. It was only about 30 minutes of time we spent, but they were valuable in a way that no money could buy.

These are the moments that I'll miss. Where she lets me into her teenage world ever so briefly. It's more like she reverts to her younger days and becomes the giggly Cass of yesteryear. I can't make a physical scrap book from these memories, but they sure leave an I print upon my heart. I plan to revisit them for years to come.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Writer's block

There are always a lot of words that run through my head on a daily basis. But tonight I'm struggling to pick one that I can put some energy behind. I've just been putting too much energy into too many other things these days. My tank is approaching empty, and I have to find a way to recharge. I know once Saturday gets here, things are going to level out considerably. We've put so much into this senior year. It's hard to believe it's drawing to a close. Maybe sleep is the answer tonight.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Just because you're a female and can reproduce doesn't mean you deserve the title Mother. I feel it is a title that must be earned, not freely given. It's requirements include sacrifice of time, energy, and sanity. A Mother's love is non-negotiable and there are no strings attached.

There are some Mothers that live vicariously through their children, never having grown up themselves. There are some that put their children in peril for their own gain. There are still yet others that walk away from their own child never to see them again. I'll never understand those people.

On this day that we honor those women in our lives that have given the ultimate sacrifice of being Mom, I remember all the things my Mom did for me. I only hope I can be half the mother she was. It took me being a Mom to realize what all she did. And I know the same will be true for my girls.

So when Jennifer has those 10 boys I've wished upon her and Cassidi has the five girls, I figure I'll be getting that call of "I'm sorry for all the gray hair I caused". There will be no greater Mother's Day present than that. One of these days (I hope really soon).

Friday, May 10, 2013


Or lack thereof in my case. I'm operating on fumes. One week to go. Tomorrow we do the Hometown Honors interview in Roanoke for her valedictorianship. Then Sunday it is baccalaureate. Next week we have three tennis matches. Somewhere in there, I have to get the house cleaned and get set up for the party. Oh, and let's not forget that thing called work. I know I've talked about a clone before, but this coming week I really could use her!

But I'm setting my mind right now! I WILL enjoy every last second from now until graduation. I am not going to complain how tired I am, that the pace is impossible, or that I am grumpy. This last week is going to fly by, but I'm not going to wish it away. I am going to savor it as much as possible. Everything that needs done will manage to happen, one way or another. And I will greet it with a smile on my face. Power of positive thinking!

Thursday, May 9, 2013


You never realize how much you appreciate sunshine until you've been stuck in the rain for a while. I was grateful to see that bright orb in the sky today as a stark contrast to the gloom that has been overshadowing the entire week. I've always been a sun worshiper and love the light and heat it generates.

I hope it will also lighten up the spirits in this house, too. Tony's contract with IBM will end next week and there are still a lot of unknowns. It's not often that he gets in a low place, but when he does, look out!

I am allowed to be an emotional roller coaster, but no one around me is. I'm always wanting to level and balance them out. To fix, that's my self prescribed purpose in life - especially for my little family. Jennifer and Tony aren't too much on letting me help with that. They have to retreat to their own little world and figure it out themselves.

Over the years, I've tried to learn to cope with that. I'm still not very good at it. Lately, I just try to turn things over to God and let him carry the weight. If I've learned nothing in the 46 years I've been alive, it's that I'm not in control.

I hope the sun continues to shine. But I know that if it doesn't today, there is always tomorrow. And if it gets too far in between sunny days, I always have the memory of this sunny day to think of. Eternally optimistic, that's my motto!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I've been searching through old pictures and traveling through time tonight. The clock is winding down on me, and I fear the projects I have left are not going to get done by next Saturday. But I wasn't joking when I said I wasn't going to beat myself up over it. I've gotten plenty done thus far and if I can get these things done before she goes off to college in August, I'll feel like I've won.

Now to bed! Maybe I can travel through time some more in my sleep. I LOVE memories!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


The emotions have set in. It seems like I find myself crying and tearing up at the slightest prompting. I knew it was going to come, I just didn't know when. We're there.

I'm a stream of consciousness thinker. I can start with oranges and end up with sailboats. It's the strangest thing as my mind whizzes from one thought to the next. Most people probably hate talking to me, too, because I'm the same way in conversation. It's a chatter fest when I get around my close friends and family. We lose track, get back on track, and lose track over and over again in our discussions. For me, it's wonderful. For them, not so much. So I'll apologize in advance for this post. It's a whiz banger.

As I was working on Cassidi's sports scrap book, I found a couple of swim team ribbons that needed ironing. That led me to ironing her graduation gown and stole. Which made me think of Eleanor. She was a master ironer. I hate she isn't going to be with us to celebrate Cass' graduation. I then thought of my mom doing the very thing I was - ironing my youngest's graduation gown. I know the emotions I'm traversing, so I can only imagine the emotions she felt watching the last of five leave the nest.

Then I tried to remember if Mom really ironed my gown or if I ironed my own, and Tony's, since we were married then. That made me wonder if that we're the case why in the heck anyone would have let me do such an important task. But then I remembered that they had let us get married and have a baby at such a young age.  What we're they thinking! I think of Cass and how immature she is right now. I'd say in some ways, I was even more immature than she. Shew, that was a huge risk.

But then I think of where we are now. We successfully raised that daughter and are now on the second one. Sometimes the obstacles that we are faced with seem insurmountable. I know that way back then I (nor anyone around us) would never have imagined the success we've had to this point. I guess they knew what they were doing.

Also, while I was ironing out the wrinkles I couldn't help but think of the similarities of raising a child. The material it's made out of is delicate but difficult to straighten. You can't use the highest heat setting on it or it will melt. The other thing is that it is made in a way that makes it difficult to iron the arms.  No sooner do you get it in position to iron and you end up wrinkling something else.  Or worse yet, you iron a wrinkle into it.

Children come to us in the most delicate of states. Someone once told me you could take a baby and bounce it off a wall and it would be fine because of its forming body and flexibility. Fortunately for the girls, I never tried that. Kids are tough, but if you use too strong of a hand, they do break. Every child is different and it takes a good parent to figure each out. And when we do mess up and give bad guidance, it takes a great soul to forgive and trust again.

Bringing all this crazy rambling full circle, I can only hope that I've been as good of a Mother as mine was. She was always there to cheer me on and iron me out. It makes me sad she's not here so interact with us in this important time for Cass. She'd be so proud of her, I know. But as I ironed that gown, I realized she was right there behind that iron through all she taught me by being the Mom she was.

Monday, May 6, 2013


It is amazing to look out the window and see so many shades of green. I'm not a big fan of the color in general, but spring green is a different story. The leaves that soon will prove shade seem to reflect light and make things so much brighter right now. It seems we're never going to break through this last chill of winter to warm up to spring. The rains have started so hopefully it will push the thermometer up. I'm ready for some 80 degree weather. Until then, I'll look out the window at the sea of green.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Sunday is a day of rest, and I am VERY thankful for that. I wanted to take a nap, but the day got away from me. I enjoyed a nice lunch with Tony and got the makings for the next project. Monday's are not a day of rest unfortunately. I'm back at it tomorrow. But the great thing is I do get a massage tomorrow. This past week was brutal and my body needs it badly. Looking forward to watching the backs of my eyelids for a few hours tonight.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


This is the craziest weather I've seen in a while. I thought it was awful that we got snow on April 4th. Tonight it feels like it could snow easily. I'll be glad when it warms up. Graduation is going to be a mess if it doesn't warm up soon.

Friday, May 3, 2013


Today was senior awards day. Of course I had a great deal of pride in my own child and was grateful for the recognition and awards she receved for her hard work through the years. But I was also proud of all the other kids, too.

Some of them are like my own children. I've carted them to and from games. I've prepared dinners for them. I've taken them on vacation with our family. Seeing them achieve success is just as meaningful to me as that of my own flesh and blood.

I want to see all of them succeed. I want them to pursue their dreams and find their place in this world. I want them to be happy, productive members of society.

As I cried from joy a couple of times today, I realized this end I've been contemplating is really only the beginning for all of them. That's the thing with the phases of life we face. For every beginning, there is an end. And for every end, there is a new beginning.

As we make our way through the next two weeks of pomp and circumstance, I know I'll be shedding more and more tears. But that is also part of life. If I didn't cry, then I wouldn't be normal. I'm just going to embrace the tears and let them flow. It's just my heart running over with pride for all of these outstanding seniors.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


I don't get them often, but when I do, I'd rather have bamboo shoots shoved under my finger nails. I think this started in my sinuses and has gone into my neck and shoulder. All the massage I've done the last two days has not helped. And I'm sure the juggling of activities has contributed. I know this too shall pass, but I'm thinking it won't be over soon enough. Maybe sleep will cure it.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Pictures are so much more to me than pieces of paper with images on them. I can look at a picture and travel back in time to the exact moment it was taken. They are the physical representation of the moments in time that life brands on our soul. I LOVE pictures.

I've been sorting through tons and tons of pictures in the last few days. I still have quite a few more to go. But I've traveled to so many time periods. I've seen so many friends and loved ones. Every image makes me stop and remember the love I have for each and every one.

I'm glad I took all of the pictures that I have. I think of the numerous pictures I wish I had taken over the years. I try to remember the way people and things looked. But nothing beats having a face in print to remind you of every detail.

One of these days I will get all of my hard copy pictures scanned and organized. I'm slowly working on sorting and categorizing. Bit I'm having fun walking down memory lane until then.