Wednesday, March 6, 2013


There once was a time where I would have been proud to have someone use that word to describe me. Now it always makes me catch my breath a bit. In the past, I wasn't as good of a sportsman as I should have been. Heck, who am I kidding?! It is still a battle I fight regularly.

I've had perfect child syndrome basically since birth. I've always wanted to do the best that I could. Gosh knows I stumbled more times than I can count. But I'd keep trying until I got better.

I've never liked disappointing people. I've always wanted them to think I was the best at whatever I was doing. On the sports field, I might not have been the best player, but I definitely hustled. And then there was that competitive thing. I hated to lose and if it meant leaving skin on the court to win, I was more than willing - both mine and whomever I was playing.

When I first started my career, I was just as competitive. Actually, I was a lunatic in college when I insisted on making good grades. The best - I was obsessed with it. Even when I went to massage school, I had to make the best grades and do the best massages. I started in that direction with yoga, and the teacher did a great job of diffusing me. I have no idea how he did it, but I'm glad he did. I enjoyed yoga training so much more because of it.

It was a good lesson for me. It made me stop and realize how maniacal I was being. And to think I was pursuing a career in something as serene as massage and yoga. I had to stop, get my head on straight, and regroup.

Like I said, I'm not always successful at controlling my crazy. There have been more than a few basketball games where I was that parent you wanted to punch. And my Words with Friends players could tell you about a few temper tantrums I've thrown when they beat me. I guess that's why I'm still a work in progress.

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