Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sad Sacking

I can't believe it's been over a week that I've been home from the whirlwind trip. I got a day of rest and then it was back to work. It wasn't too busy, but my body decided to get sick. I think I just ran on fumes for too long and it retaliated.

I came home Saturday from work and haven't been out since. I think it was just an allergy attack that progressed into my usual fall sinus infection. The joys! I'm on the mend, but I think it will take a few more days to finally work through my system like it normally does.

I've had the added measure of missing Tony like crazy. The two weeks he spent home and then my trip over proved to attach us at the hip for the better part of a month. We did our usual bickering like an old married couple, but for the most part we had a wonderful time. And now I feel like a bicycle without a front wheel. And I don't like it!

Tony, probably a little more than most men, is like the wild horses that run out west. Throughout his career, he's always traveled to some degree. The last 7 and a half years of being here part time and in Charlotte the other have been manageable. But this gone 24 x 7 for weeks at a time is NOT working. Something has got to give, and I'm hoping it's not my sanity.

Until such time that he gets home, I'm going to have to find a way to pick my lower lip off the ground and get back to life. I've let him know loud and clear this isn't working for me. We'll see if he listens. There is a long list of things that need done in the mean time. I just need to get focused and get them done. Please say a little prayer for us as we work through this. I know God has a plan, and I'm trying to follow along nicely. Trying is the key word!!

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