Thursday, October 10, 2013

London Day three - Zombified

Today I saw The Globe, The Tower Bridge, The Tower of London, and All Hollows Church. I also walked 3+ miles I'd say. I think since I've been here, I've probably walked a half marathon. My feet feel like bloody pulps. What I wouldn't give for a hot tub soak on the back porch of my little cabin in the woods at this point.

My brain (and entire body for that matter) is in overload. I've taken in so many sights and information placards that I don't remember which end is up. Today at about 3:30 p.m. I reached "tilt" mode. I found a Starbucks and sat. I debated on what there was left to see versus sitting. Sitting won. I was a little concerned about getting back to the hotel. I just didn't have anything left in the tank to motivate me to get moving.

I somehow managed to traverse the multiple tube lines to get back. I came in and passed out. Tony ended up having to work late. It was a blessing! I got a couple hour nap and refueled. We went to dinner and roamed around a bit making plans for our weekend in Paris. I know I was there with him, but much of it is a blur. The nap helped, but I'm in a major deficit. Maybe tonight will do the trick.

Tomorrow is Buckingham and Kensington Palaces. I also want to figure out how to get to Wimbledon. Traversing the tube lines takes good concentration. They are a tangle of spider webs that go in all directions. But you have to include in the mix the hordes of people that are buzzing around you at all times. Luckily I've avoided them at rush hour. I can only imagine the level of chaos then!

London is the other city that never sleeps. The similarities between London and New York are endless. The streets are full of honking cars and people. The simple act of crossing the street can cost you your life. For one, the traffic is moving in opposite direction as the US. Fortunately at every cross walk, they have written on the pavement which way you're to look. And the traffic lights go from green, yellow, to red versus red, yellow, green. I still haven't figured out the logic behind it. But I can tell you I don't cross a busy street unless there are other people there telling me when it's safe to cross.

I've been here three days and that's pretty much my limit in a place away from home. I think I could go home today and feel like I've experienced Europe. But we leave for Paris Saturday morning. I know I'll be grateful for all these experiences when it's said and done. But right now I feel like I'm trying to swallow the entire watermelon. There is just so much to see and do.

Sleep will be much welcomed again tonight. I hope I can muster the strength needed to see the sights planned tomorrow. Being a zombie is no fun!

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