Sunday, October 13, 2013

Paris day two - Overload

Tony didn't want to get up after nearly 14 hours of sleep. But once he did, he was a tourist engine revving to go. Today was a marathon for sure.

We started off by going to The Eiffel Tower. On the way we saw runners in pink. France celebrates breast cancer awareness month, too! I said a prayer for all my breast cancer buddies. Unfortunately they were running around the tower. It made for a frustrating start in trying to get over by it. We finally figured out how to get there and my what a sight!

We rode the elevators up to the first landing after a relatively short stand in line for tickets. But then we had to wait in line to get to the next level. Hurry up and wait. But we saw some amazing views. On the way down we accidentally got off the elevator at the restaurant level. We had a few stairs to traverse to get down. I guess it just made it a full experience to have to walk some of the way.

We next went on a Seine River cruise. I had bought a package that included the bus tour, the river cruise, and a night bus tour. They hadn't given us a brochure so we were relatively operating in the dark. Again we got lucky and found where we needed to be. The direction Gods have most surely been in our favor so far.

We went to Notre Dame next. I've been in more churches in the last week than I've been in for years! I did have the thought today that lightning just might strike with me crossing their thresholds. It is another amazing sight both inside and out.

We got dinner and tried to find the bus tour for our night trip. That one proved to be a little more difficult to find, so we just went to a location that we knew we could catch it. It just required catching a train and a little walk. We're getting good at this subway kinda life.

The weather has been nearly perfect on my trip thus far. Today was a bit chilly, but no rain. I had rain last Friday, but that's it. I brought the right clothes, hats, scarves, gloves, and shoes. Now if I could just drum up another body to get me through this next week. The aches and pains of walking miles and standing in lines is catching up with me. I'm having a great time, but I wouldn't turn down some quality, horizontal, hot tub soaking time.

Tonight when we were riding high above the traffic on our double decker bus, it reminded me yet again of how happy I am we haven't had to drive in this mess. In the intersections, there are no lines on the roads to keep you in place. The cars simply go in whatever direction they want.

Horns are blaring, people are throwing their hands up at each other, and at one point it looked like bumper cars with cars stuck between each other going in all directions. It's difficult to explain but just imagine 100 cars in an intersection going in all directions. They do have traffic lights, but no one obeys them. Chaos doesn't touch it. But somehow they all manage to get where they need to be.

They have the adorable little "fold em up and stick them in your pocket cars", too. Those little things zip in and out everywhere. Oh, and then there are the mopeds. Those things are CRAZY!!! We saw one that didn't fare so well yesterday. The driver was taken off in an ambulance.

And that's the other thing. Sirens are on non stop. I told Tony with the way they drive, it's no wonder! Too many noises, people, cars, etc. at times I long for the quiet of my little cabin in the woods. Soon. I keep reminding myself that a girl has to get out every once in a while.

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