Saturday, August 31, 2013


This extra empty house has been very quiet. I'm really grateful that the US Open tennis tournament started up. I've kept myself busy with watching it and work this week. Having been off last week, it made for a full schedule this one.

Tony found out he has to stay an additional three weeks in England. I guess we're putting the phrase "absence makes the heart grow fonder" to the test. I've been extremely busy the last three weeks, so I'm sure the next three will drag by since it's just me here.

I have discovered the silver lining in being an empty nester. When I clean the house, it stays that way. And if I find something out of place, I know I'm the one that did it. And if I don't make my bed in the morning, I don't have to feel guilty for setting a bad example. It truly is liberating to be responsible for just me!

I signed up to teach two yoga classes a week starting this coming week. I've already started adjusting my schedule at work to accommodate client schedules. I've made dinner plans next week with another empty nester Mom. I'm making good on my plans to enjoy my "me" time.

It's still been difficult to coordinate my time on work days to get to talk to Tony. The tools we use continue to be difficult at times. But other than the stint in San Francisco, we've gotten to talk every day. So early evening is my only set commitment other than work.

Cass has fared well in her first week of college. She changed her class schedule, which proved a little stressful, but she managed it. She already made a zero on a Chemistry quiz because she didn't have the electronic gadget required to take it. Irritating that technology is used against you at this stage of the game. But she's since gotten the gadget and should be set to let her brain speak for her.

Work has gone well for her. She fully impressed her boss by parking the trailer on a dime with a monster truck. I guess all those days of working outside here with her Dad are going to pay off. She hasn't said anything about how the actual job of making burritos is going. Her being responsible for other people's food is a little concerning, but I guess she's doing alright.

In changing her class, she made the mistake of sending the new book she had to buy here to the house. That means I get to make another trip to Charlottesville this weekend. And of course she's decided I need to bring her a large box of other stuff. Every day that goes by, she adds to the list. I'll have a full car yet again to take to her before it's over.

I'm going to see Jen in Richmond afterward. I'm not sure what we'll get into, but I'm sure the city will hold some adventure for us. I'll get to see my granddog and pet his head. She has him spoiled rotten. But he's a sweet boy.

Life is good, and I'm enjoying very moment. If this first week of "me"ness is any indication of the way it's going to go, I'm game. It's been amazing, silence and all!

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