Tuesday, August 6, 2013


It seems like time is in hyper warp mode again. It was a week ago that Cass got her wisdom teeth out.  In one way, it seems like it was a month ago, and in another, just yesterday. I can't keep track of time anymore. We just have way too much going on.

The more I cram into a day, the faster time seems to fly. Check in here, do that, check out there, do the next thing. Tomorrow I hope to live the day without a schedule. It will be the only day this week that isn't planned per se. Yesterday was kinda like that, but I have to kidnap Tony to get any time with him.

Since I work Thursday and Tony leaves Friday, tomorrow is the last real day with him. It's amazing how in 28 and a half years we haven't gotten thoroughly sick of each other. Well, we have our days. But for the most part, we still enjoy each others company. It will be strange to have him gone for more than the three or four days that Charlotte usually holds. On top of that, we'll have a five hour time difference to contend with. I don't look forward to it!!

But this too shall pass. I just have to keep the faith. I know God doesn't provide any more challenge than he can carry me through. I'll just have to keep myself busy and the whirlwind will keep that clock humming. He'll be home before I can blink.

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