Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Well, I did it!! My New Year's resolution last year was to pick a word each day and write something here. I had a few gaps along the way, but for the most part, I stuck with it. When I look back on what I accomplished, it's an amazing feeling. And when I look back at the entries, I realize that more than a few of them were personal journal entries for the most part.

It was a momentous year on so many levels. I do my best not to have regrets or negative feelings about things that happen in life. But there are some things that happened this year, that if possible, I would change and do differently. Or maybe I would have slowed down to breath in order to enjoy the moment more. And then there are others that couldn't have been done any more perfectly.

I've learned a tremendous amount about myself and those around me in the last year. Looking at each day and encapsulating it in an entry here truly did help me appreciate the real value of 365 days. That was my original goal as well as keeping me writing. I feel I've succeeded in that quest.

I appreciate all the support of this last year by those of you reading here or on my Facebook wall. I felt connected to all of you in a way that is difficult to explain. So many people use social networks in a negative manner. You have all given me renewed hope that they can be used in a positive way. It's all in your perspective and intent.

I'm not really sure what resolution I'll have for 2014. But I know now that I'm capable of taking one day at a time and savoring it. Happy New Year!!

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