Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sights, Sounds, and Smells of SPRING!

The changing of the seasons is so gradual that it often goes unnoticed. However, spring is the exception as it is hard to miss. After being cooped up all winter long, every beast known to mankind (including man) rejoices in the warmth of the sun that spring brings with it. This winter has been especially harsh and thus the rejoicing especially joyous.

As I write, I am sitting on the front porch. The evidence of spring is all around me - the change in the vegetation, the movement of the air, and the fragrance that permeates everything. Mother Nature signals her coming out party leaving no questions asked. She may duck under a cloud or two, bringing raindrops to replenish, but she makes no bones about the vibrancy of spring.

With the breeze singing its thunderous song through the tree tops, the wind chimes pitch in with their harmonious tinkling. The gentle sway of the trees is nature’s reminder that the invention of dance was Mother Earth’s alone. The smells that the wind brings are indescribable. So many have tried to capture it for market, but none do it justice. I think the impossibility lies in the conglomeration of it all. No one smell from a bottle can encompass the awakening of Earth.

The most obvious of the smells are flowers. The bulbs have thawed from the long winter’s freeze to share the vibrant colors and smells of crocus and hyacinths. The daffodils are yet to bloom, but the long, skinny, deep green stems are gathering as much energy as possible for the final crescendo of yellow sunlight that will billow from their lengths in a few days time. If we had to select only one thing that represents spring, it would have to be the daffodil. I think it’s the happiest of all flowers with a close second being the daisy.

Green of every shade is sprouting from the depths where snow drifts held it captive for these many months. The yards and fields that were brown and covered in leaves are giving way to grasses spanning from deep green to lime. The reddish pink hue of the buds on the trees signals the tree’s desire to get busy with work yet again. It’s amazing what a few days of sunlight and warmth can do to the scenery.
I have the blessing of getting to enjoy spring twice each year. Living on the mountain and working in the piedmont affords that. In Mount Airy, the daffodils have trumpeted spring for a week or so. The cherry and Bradford pear trees are in full bloom. They seem to be about 3 weeks ahead of the vegetation here in Fancy Gap. Spring is such a beautiful time, and it’s wonderful being fortunate enough to have it extended each year.

The warmth also allows for yoga on the front porch. I love to sit on the edge of the porch in the sunlight and soak in as many rays as possible. Church for me is nature, so sitting on the porch and meditating is truly a religious experience. Watching the butterflies dance from flower to flower, listening to the birds sing to one another, and seeing the glimmer of light in the limbs and leaves of the trees as the wind blows is as spiritual of a journey as I can imagine. I do my best to absorb it all and carry it with me wherever I go.

The other day I came home to the smell of the grill. The scent brought with it the familiar feeling of warmth from sunlight. I’ve never had that sensation before related to the grill, but it was welcomed. I did my best to enjoy every drop of snow we had this year, but I think I’ve reached my quota for one winter season. It has taken all of these sights, sounds, and smells of spring to make me fully realize just that. Here’s to yet another wondrous season called spring!

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