Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A compliment is a gift

I love to give compliments and see the face brighten as it sinks in what was just said. Many people today are somewhat taken aback when you're nice because so few people are today. I really wish they'd get rid of the terminology "paying a compliment" because the daggone things are free and easy to give away!!

Today I was given one and it felt great! A person came in to buy a gift certificate. I'd never met her before and it seemed she was looking at me rather intently. I was a little self conscious as I had sprinted out of the gym before work today and didn't put on any make up. I figured she was noticing my raccoon black eyes and wrinkles.

One thing led to another and we somehow got to the topic of children. I mentioned mine are grown. She asked how old they are. Then she asked how old I was. When I told her I'd be 48 in October, she asked if I was going to share my secret. I wasn't really sure what secret she was talking about, and the look on my face told on me.

She proceeded to tell me how beautiful I am and how wonderful my skin looks. She kept trying to get me to tell her my miracle skin regime, and I had to be honest and tell her I'm awful at that stuff. But I did tell her that having Native American blood is most likely the secret. People with more pigmentation in their skin age better it seems.

Nonetheless, I thanked her and had a smile the rest of the day. I will have to remind myself of her kindness the next time I look in the mirror and wonder who the heck it is staring back at me in that reflection!!

Have you given someone a compliment lately? If not, try one on for size. I bet ya 10 to 1 you'll get one back in no time at all. Sometimes it's the very things we're insecure about that people compliment us on.

I'd love to hear of any experiences you have in this little experiment!!

I cried in yoga tonight. Sad you say? Let me explain.

This past week on vacation I practiced yoga on the dock on the river most mornings really early. It was an amazingly peaceful setting. In the past when I've sat down to do yoga on vacation, I've always brought the burdens of life with me and asked my mat to cure them. This time, I had the realization that I didn't have any major burdens to bring.

It was a scary feeling instead of a relief at first. It was a distraction in that first practice. But I slowly opened my heart to it and settled into this new feeling on my mat. It was wonderful to feel comfortable and confident in my own skin. My mat no longer had to be about mercy!!

Tonight I shared that story with my class. And I was just overcome with the emotions around it. As I was telling them, I thought of all the reasons I'm in this good place.

I get to do the work I love day in and day out. I live in the most beautiful place a person could imagine. I have a wonderful husband that it seems I keep rediscovering. I have two great kids that while trying at times, that at their worst are far better than most people's best. I get to build and nurture positive relationships with all walks of people.

In summary, I'm in a zone. And while I know there are things that could be better, life is great! And I wanted to share that with my class to thank them for their participation in my journey. So that was what had me tied in emotional knots this evening. Nothing sad at all. But HAPPY!!

I wanted to share that story here too as so many of you are part of the fabric that has been woven into my happy place. I love seeing your pictures, sharing in your triumphs, praying for your needs, and rejoicing in your happiness. I am so grateful for FB and the miles it has diminished in keeping in touch with family and friends.

I love you all!!! Namaste