Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Last Supper

With Tony leaving for a England in a few days, we went out for a family dinner tonight. Cassidi has plans for the Fiddler's Convention all week, so it was more than likely the last family supper we will have together until Thanksgiving or Christmas. My how things change, and oh so quickly.

It seems like it was just yesterday I was telling Tony I was pregnant with Cass. He wasn't a very willing participant in the whole process. Having gotten started so early with Jennifer, he wasn't ready to go down the child path again. He was more than a little upset when I told him.

And as usual, he not only warmed up to the idea of a second daughter, but he couldn't be more thrilled. She has been his shadow for quite some time. They have worked on cars, hunted, and tinkered together for years. Her being such a tomboy pleased him to no end.

I tease them both about her idolization of him, but I'm grateful that she loves and respects him the way she does. It's the way I grew up, and I'm happy we have stuck through this marriage to provide the same environment I had. Gosh knows we've had our moments.

The world around us seems to be changing more quickly than I can keep up with. Out little family unit is spreading out across the globe. They say home is where the heart is, but I disagree. Each of them carry a piece of my heart with them. So, it would be more accurate to say my heart is where their home is. It looks like my heart is going to be quite mobile for a few years to come. I guess I better get used to it.

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