Friday, August 23, 2013


You know that sensation you have to clean and tidy everything up at the end of your pregnancy? They call it nesting. Well, who knew that it happens when you're about to take your last child off to college, too?! The loads of trash I've generated today has been liberating.

It actually started a while back in our garage. I'm a terrible pack rat and knew I better take advantage of Cass' last little bit at home to get rid of some junk. She's a pack rat too unfortunately and didn't contribute much to the throw away pile. But we made some headway and that's better than nothing.

Today after I got all of her stuff to go to college organized, labeled, and documented (shew, my type A was back in spades today!!), I started cleaning out the cabinets. I was having a hay day. The stuff I found crammed back in the  corners of those shelves was disgusting. Some of the expiration dates went back to 2010. ICK!!!

After they were all tidied up, I went in for the kill - the refrigerator. There were some nasty science projects growing in there. But no more!! The space my refrigerator has now is wonderous. Every time I open the door to look in (I've been doing this about every hour just to admire it), I'm nearly blinded by the bright light and glare off the clean shelves. It's been so packed full I had forgotten it had a real light.

I did all of this before Cass had time to get her lunch today. She came up to look for something to eat. She wasn't pleased at all that I had thrown out all of her junk food. I think I heard the word "hussy" a time or two as she searched every cabinet and the refrigerator. I directed her to the appropriate box (after consulting my handy dandy moving organizer) to find the food I'm sending with her. At first I told her I had already taped it shut, but fortunately it was in a plastic tub. I got a glare or two over the whole escapade.

I've fortunately made it through the day devoid a major meltdown. I guess I'll just wait until the goodbye hug tomorrow for that nonsense. We're starting out extremely early in the morning. Sleep deprivation should add just the right amount of insanity to the day. But it will make sleep tomorrow night all that more appreciated. The good news is, I'll be returning to clean cabinets and refrigerator shelves!!

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