Friday, January 25, 2013


Sleep is a wonderful thing. I come from a family of sleepers, and I've raised two more.  Both of my girls would sleep 12 hours straight as babies. I don't know what makes one person need more sleep than another, but I'd love to sleep 12 hours a day!!

Thanks to the snow and sleet, I got to have an at home day. Well, that is after I tried to go to work and decided it wasn't worth clients wrecking just to come get a massage. That's not really conducive to relaxation. So I took a late afternoon nap. It was heaven!

I'm not really good at sleeping for long periods of time. I sleep anywhere between 1 and 3 hours before waking up. It is usually vivid dreams that jolt me out of slumber. I can have upwards of 4 dreams a night. It's exhausting. So napping is a much better fit for me. If I could be up 3 hours and sleep for 2, I think I could really get some rest! If only life worked that way!

I don't get to nap much these days it seems. I always liked it when the girls were little and we'd take naps together. Everyone was much happier after a nap. Jen napped for years but Cass wasn't interested in any of that business after she was about 3. She was too busy for that.

I look forward to grand babies and naps. My mom was a big napper too. She loved when any of her grandchildren were there and it was nap time. She always said there is just something about watching a child sleep.

Winter time makes for the best naps. A roaring fire to warm your body from the core and a blankie on the couch generates yawns in no time. Today was no exception. I hope you're keeping warm out there in this cold winter. And getting to take a nap yourself!

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