Thursday, May 16, 2013


Senior year is fast approaching completion. All that is left is graduation on Saturday. Oh, and the regional tennis match on Monday that if they win will lead to another one, date unknown so far. But it has been an adventurous year and I've done my best to enjoy it. I sure hope Cassidi has. This is the year in review.

First day of school, easing into classes, found out you are tied for first, decided to keep your classes as they were even though you might lose that spot, open gyms, hanging out with friends, football games, SAT take two, college applications, (here's where things get cranked up!) basketball, Thanksgiving, more basketball, find out you got into GMU, end of the first semester, Christmas, even more basketball, easing into new classes that hold even more difficulty than last semester, found out you're valedictorian, Grandma passed away, you turned 18, finished up basketball, surprised me with playing tennis, more hanging out with friends, you found out you got into UVA and changed your mind on GMU, surprised me further with getting to play and actually winning matches, prom, speech writing, more tennis, awards banquets, TV interview, baccalaureate, more tennis, last day of school, graduation, and lastly, the end of tennis.

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