Sunday, April 14, 2013


I'm not a big fan of surprises. I'm mostly about knowing things ahead of time and preparing for them. I like to think I'm in control and have things covered. It's all an illusion when you sit down and think about it. Things change in a blink of an eye.

Surprises can be good or bad. Today we got one that was a little of both. Tony thought our bunnies had had babies. Sure enough when we looked, we found seven in the box. They are adorable. But. There is always a but at this house. We don't have room for seven bunnies. And keeping them separate to avoid more bunnies is the challenge.

Cassidi has gotten on the mission to find homes for them. So far, she has found one for two when they're ready. They are pretty daggone big. We think they are at least 3 weeks old. It's hard to believe we haven't seen them before today.

They are adorable. Four are solid white, two are white with gray tipped ears and a steak of gray down  their backs, and the last one got all the color the rest of them are missing. They are funny to watch. They mostly stay curled up in balls snuggled up to each other. So cute.

We're not sure what will happen with them. Cass wants to keep the Mom and one of the babies. We're looking for homes for all the rest. After looking online, we found out the Mom can reproduce immediately. We need to get them separated pronto! Hopefully we can avoid any more bunny surprises at our house.

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