Wednesday, September 11, 2013


In today's society I truly wonder if people understand the real meaning of patriotism. It doesn't include the words "I" or "me". It doesn't include the phrase "what's in it for me". It doesn't include "that's not my responsibility".

Patriotism is not about finding loopholes in the system and using them to your own advantage. It is not about how you can trample on the person next to you to get ahead. It is not about expecting to receive something when you've put forth nothing to earn it.

This day has the same historical significance as Pearl Harbor, maybe even more so. People posting remembrances to honor the fallen is moving. But it lessens the meaning when it's posted beside their whiny status about how the world is against them or next to the post about their self centered, liberal views that fly in the face of all we hold dear in this country.

So please, before you wave the flag of this nation or post a picture in support of those that have lost their lives in the pursuit of defending our great country, check your ego at the door. What you do every day of your life represents who and what you are. You can't pick one or two days out of the year to be patriotic. It's all or nothing.

God Bless the USA! Prayers for all those lost defending her, those still fighting to defend her, and all of those true patriots proud to be American!!

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