Thursday, March 21, 2013


I'm a nature lover. Always have been, always will be. And nothing sickens me more than driving down a country road and seeing trash strewn alongside it. I just cannot fathom cruising down the road and pitching my trash out the window. Senseless!

The thing that makes me the most crazy is that it is usually the God fearing, country bumpkin, flag waving, patriotic American that rolls their window down.  If you're so USA loving, how can you tarnish it's natural beauty?! I'd love to stop them, pick up their trash, and throw it back into their window.

I've often wanted to buy signs to put up and remind folks the world is not their trash can. But I know with people's ignorance, that would just make things worse. I've also thought about creating a school program and traveling to elementary schools in the area to talk about littering and it's disrespectful and harmful consequences. But like most other displays of disrespect, they learn it at home and nothing they hear one time will change their ways.

I do my best to lead by example. When I see trash laying out in the open, I pick it up and put it in a trash can. Our land is bordered by a main road. Every couple of months we have to go out and clean up other people's trash. It truly saddens me that people are so callous.

There are a lot of things that irritate me about people's behavior. But littering is high on my list. One of these days it's bound to get me in trouble when I confront someone about it. It's only a matter of time. Gosh knows there are plenty of people out there trashing up the world for me to confront. Please don't let that someone be you.

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